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Showing posts with the label guascor indoensia

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PM Rutin Gas Engine Generator Guascor SFGLD 560

Spesifikasi Guascor Gas Engine

Hallo teman - teman semua, ketemu lagi dengan tulisan dhevils mechanic yang tak jauh - jauh membahas dunia mechanic Oil and Gas Industry, dan kali ini hayuk kita bahas lebih detail terkait Guascor Gas Engine, yang ada 11 unit populasinya di tempat dhevils mechanic bekerja. Guascor adalah unit gas engine yang diproduksi oleh negara spanyol dan untuk saat ini pangsa pasarnya bergabung dengan dresser rand group. dan kali ini kita akan membahas model SFGLD 560 1. Basic Specification Of Gas Engine 2.- GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ENGINE CRANKCASE The crankcase is manufactured from grey cast iron with a stabilising heat treatment to eliminate residual stresses. It has a high mechanical sturdiness as befits its original design oriented towards diesel applications. The crankcase is constructed with different side openings, which allows a high degree of accessibility to internal engine components such as connecting rods, camshafts, etc., to facilitate engine maintenance. SLEEV...