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Mengenal Opra OP16-3A Gas Turbine Generator

Hallo teman - teman dhevils mechanic, ketemu lagi dengan tulisan - tulisan dhevils mechanic yang tak jauh membahas dunia mechanic di Oil and Gas Industry, dan kali ini kita membahas gas turbine genartor merk Opra yuk dengan model OP16-3A nya.. Figure 3‐1: OP16‐3A Generator Package The OPRA OP16‐3A is a single‐shaft industrial gas turbine. The turbine features excellent fuel economy and fuel flexibility whilst retaining the simplicity of the all‐radial gas turbine. The OP16‐3A package is designed for industrial applications both on land and offshore. The turbine is suitable for industrial application where the main emphasis is on durability, reliability, efficiency and low emission. 3.1.1 Package and skid All package equipment is mounted on three vibration dampers onto a three‐point skid (1 in figure 3‐1). The package consists of two sections: a turbine area (2a) and a generator area (2b). An electrical junction box (3) in the generator area provides a hook‐up for all skid‐mounted electrical systems to the control cabinet. Sensor boxes (4) containing instruments to measure ambient conditions are located outside the turbine area. Outside the engine room there is a control cabinet which contains the turbine generator control panel and motor control center. The oil cooler and duplex filter are located outside the engine room. Skid The package skid (1) is a structural steel weldment that is painted for corrosion protection. The skid supports the engine and generator, maintaining the correct alignment between engine and generator under all conditions. The skid contains an oil tank for the lube oil and starting system. The skid is equipped with lifting points for attaching lifting equipment during transportation and installation  Figure 3‐2: Engine The engine consists of: 1. turbine 2. turbine air inlet 3. integrated gearbox with flexible coupling 4. exhaust 3.2.1 Turbine The all‐radial cantilevered rotor system of the OP16‐3A has been designed for simplicity, ruggedness and durability. Both bearings of the rotor are in the cold section of the turbine. The compressor is a state‐of‐the‐art single stage centrifugal design, with a design point air mass flow of 8.6 kg/s at a pressure ratio of 6.7:1. The moderate pressure ratio was chosen partly to achieve high flow path efficiency and partly to alleviate the need for fuel gas compression. 3.2.2 Turbine air inlet The turbine air inlet has a flexible connection to the ducting of the local air intake and filtration system (which is outside the scope of the OP16‐3A Generator Package). Figure 3‐3: Gearbox (1) and coupling with guard (2) To drive a 60 Hz generator the integrated reduction gearbox (1) reduces the speed from 26041 rpm on the main rotor shaft to 1800 rpm on the output shaft. The gearbox is of a 2‐stage epicyclical configuration, with accessory drives for starter motor and lube oil pump. The output shaft of the gearbox is supported by two conical roller bearings. The output shaft rotates clockwise. The gearbox casing serves as an oil collector and ‘dry’ sump for the turbine oil system, and comprises horizontal and vertical turbine support pads. The gearbox is overload‐protected by 2 shear pins outside the gearbox on the output shaft. The power available at the output shaft of the gas turbine is transmitted via the gearbox to the input shaft of the synchronous generator. The connection to the electric generator is made by means of a flexible coupling (2) installed on the output shaft of the gearbox. The flexible coupling is safeguarded by a totally enclosed coupling guard (3). 3.2.4 Exhaust The turbine exhaust interface comprises a flexible bellow to allow for turbine exhaust temperature expansion. 3.3 Generator The generator converts the mechanical energy of the shaft into electrical energy. Currents and voltages of the generator are measured and serve as input for the control system, which provides control and protection. The generator is set to run in island parallel mode Figure 3‐4: Generator Anti‐friction bearings are installed at each end of the machine: the drive end and the non‐drive end. The bearings are sealed to protect them from dust. The bearings are kept lubricated by an automatic greasing system (1).


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