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PM Rutin Gas Engine Generator Guascor SFGLD 560

Spesifikasi Guascor Gas Engine

Hallo teman - teman semua, ketemu lagi dengan tulisan dhevils mechanic yang tak jauh - jauh membahas dunia mechanic Oil and Gas Industry, dan kali ini hayuk kita bahas lebih detail terkait Guascor Gas Engine, yang ada 11 unit populasinya di tempat dhevils mechanic bekerja. 

Guascor adalah unit gas engine yang diproduksi oleh negara spanyol dan untuk saat ini pangsa pasarnya bergabung dengan dresser rand group. dan kali ini kita akan membahas model SFGLD 560 

1. Basic Specification Of Gas Engine 


 The crankcase is manufactured from grey cast iron with a stabilising heat treatment to eliminate residual stresses. It has a high mechanical sturdiness as befits its original design oriented towards diesel applications. The crankcase is constructed with different side openings, which allows a high degree of accessibility to internal engine components such as connecting rods, camshafts, etc., to facilitate engine maintenance. 

 Sleeves are from centrifuged grey cast iron and are installed on the engine block, due to which they are interchangeable, allowing easy maintenance. 

 The crankshaft is made from die-pressed alloy steel, which is given a general heat treatment (quenching and tempering). It is of the suspended block type for which reason it is secured with nodular cast iron caps and alloy steel studs, making the engine assembly very sturdy. The crankshaft bearings, crankpins and radii (bends) are induction-tempered to ensure surface hardness and better performance and longer life for the crankshaft. The crankshaft is dynamically balanced by built-in counterweights and its ends are supported by an inertia flywheel to ensure regular operation and a torsion vibration damper. 

 The semi-bearings used in the connecting rod head and the crankshaft are manufactured from steel and the roller track is made from aluminium alloy, coated with a protective tin layer. These semi-bearings are easy to replace. 

 The cylinder heads are made from grey cast iron and are individual for each cylinder, allowing high engine maintenance. Each cylinder head comes complete with a four-valve system per cylinder (2 intake and 2 exhaust) which are formed by valve seats, valves and valve guides, as well as springs, etc., all of these components being removable, which facilitates their replacement and maintenance. The cylinder head also houses the firing spark plug. 


 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL INDEX   GENERAL 19.09.251 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF GUASCOR GAS ENGINES DATE NOV. 2005 8             DEP.    The connecting rods are die-pressed in alloy steel and are then quenched and tempered to improve their mechanical characteristics. They are cut obliquely and with a saw-tooth joint which guarantees an adequate joint after assembly. 


 The pistons are made from aluminium alloy and the volume of the combustion chamber is shaped over the piston itself (without prechamber). The piston is jet cooled with refrigeration oil at the base of the piston from a specific regulated pressure gallery. 


 This consist of three rings: o Compression ring, i.e. a chrome-plated rectangular ring on a piston ring carrier for engines with 152mm dia. pistons and a ceramic trapezoidal ring for engines with 160mm dia. pistons. o Scraper ring, and o Greasing ring. 


 The camshaft (one for in-line engines and two in V engines) are made from alloy steel and induction tempered for improved surface hardness, performance and service life. The cams have been calculated to optimise the operation of all the engine distribution; cam drive is through gear arrangement. The cam followers are of the roller type, mounted on a rocker arm. 


 The oil pump is a gear pump type, driven by means of gears from the crankshaft. The lubrication system also consists of interchangeable filters, thermostatic oil temperature regulation (V engine), oil refrigeration, regulation of the lubrication oil pressure. 


 The engine is cooled by a double water circuit. A main circuit which cools the motor crankcase, cylinder heads and exhaust manifold, and an auxiliary circuit for cooling the oil and supercharged air. Both circuits include pumps driven by gears from the crankshaft. 


 The gas system consists of a membrane-type gas regulator, an air/fuel ratio adjustment system (mechanical on F-series engines and electronic on SF-series engines) and a carburettor which, in accordance with the application, may be of the membrane or Venturi type. Following the specifications and general standards, a valve train is always installed before the engine to guarantee the safety of the gas installation. 


 All the engines are supplied with an air filter system. Once the mixture has been made, it flows through the intake manifold immediately on a naturally-aspirated engine, or after passing through the intercooler on a supercharged engine. The intake manifolds are made from aluminium and are provided with an over-pressure safety system


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