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SOP ( Standard Operation Prosedure) Pengoperasian / Start Up Multi stage Blower Compressor

Hallo teman - teman ketemu lagi dengan dhevils mechanic ya.. yang jelas pasti membahas dunia mechanic, entah itu terkait rutinitas kerja mechanic, troubleshot maupun isu - isu yang ada di dunia mechanic oil and gas. Dan kali ini yuk kita ulsasedikit terkait Blower kompressor model multistage. Bagaimana SOP start upnya yuk kita ikuti terus tulisan dari dhevils mechanic ini.

Multi-stage Blower Sentrifugal banyak diaplikasikan untuk pengolahan limbah, smelting furnace, pabrik persiapan batubara, floatation tambang, gas kimia, industri vakum, dan pengangkutan gas lainnya, dll.
Komponen Utama pada Blower
1. Shaft
2. Inlet Houshing
3. Impeller
4. bearing, Sparation set
5. connectingrod,
6. Discharger Housing,
7. Seal
8. Etc

. Bagian - bagian dari Blower
2. Inlet muffler (dengan filter udara)
3. Pangkalan umum untuk motor dan blower (termasuk penutup kopling)
4. Masukkan katup kupu-kupu manual
5. Motor
6. Pengukur tekanan
7. Pasang baut dan aksesori koneksi
8. Periksa katup

1. Inspection before startup

1.1 Appearance inspection
Check whether there is obvious transportation/installation damage, such as casting cracking, tie rod bending, etc;

1. 2 check whether the installation is correct
a. Whether the damping pad is in the correct position;
b. Whether the foundation is firm and grouted;
c. Foot bolts are not allowed to be fastened;
d. Whether the blower is separated from the system through elastic flexible joints;
e. Whether all pipe blind flanges are removed;
f. Whether a filter is installed at the inlet;
g. Whether all connecting bolts of blower and motor and base are connected firmly.

1. 3 coupling alignment review
The alignment of the coupling must be checked before the initial start-up, and the coupling shall be aligned for the second time after 2 months of operation.

1. 4 lubrication
Motor lubrication: lubricate the motor in strict accordance with the motor instructions. The grease in the grease lubricated blower bearing is enough to ensure the safe operation of the blower bearing for 1000 hours.
Blower oil lubrication: the blower oil tank is equipped with a standard configuration sight glass. The bearing lubricating oil has been removed before the blower leaves the factory. Before starting, the oil of the specified brand must be added to nearly 2 / 3 of the sight glass of the oil tank. During normal operation, it must be ensured that the oil level is above the center of the oil level sight glass.

Fill oil in strict accordance with the label of the oil tank, or fill synthetic VG68 Bearing Circulating Oil.

Excessive lubricating oil, use of wrong grade lubricating oil or dirty oil will lead to bearing overheating, noise and premature failure

1. 5 installation of protective cover
Check whether the coupling protective cover is firmly installed and whether the motor junction box cover plate is connected in place.

1. 6 Electrical circuit connection
Connect the motor power line, PLC control cabinet or ordinary control cabinet and frequency conversion cabinet according to the electrical drawings. All accessories such as control valve actuator, temperature sensor and vibration sensor must be connected correctly according to the manufacturer's instructions.

1.7 Initial startup checklist
a. Whether the operators are clear about the operation procedures;
b. Whether there are people working at the downstream of the system;
c. Whether the blower spindle can be turned flexibly;
d. Whether all safety devices of the blower are in place;
e. Whether the outlet butterfly valve (if equipped) has been opened;
f. Whether the inlet butterfly valve (if equipped) is in the minimum position;
g. Whether the system is ready;
h. Whether the vent valve has been opened;
i. Whether the power distribution cabinet has been powered on;
j. Jog the motor to confirm whether the steering is correct and whether there is abnormal scraping sound.

2 Operation

2. 1 Unit commissioning

a) Confirm that all preparations before commissioning have been completed, first disconnect the coupling, run the motor for 0.5 ~ 1 hour separately, and check whether the electrical system, steering, bearing temperature rise and vibration and noise are normal;

b) After the above operation is confirmed to be correct, the unit commissioning can be carried out. Before the unit commissioning, it must be inched once to check whether there is any sound such as collision or scratch in the body. After confirming that it is normal, the unit commissioning can be carried out;

c) Start

○ 1 Open the vent valve. During the initial startup, set the starting speed of the motor at 20Hz, monitor that the blower operates normally, gradually increase the blower speed until the outlet pressure reaches the required pressure of the system, monitor that the motor current does not exceed the rated current, close the vent valve and integrate the blower into the system. If the check valve makes repeated impact sound, open the vent valve, Increase the blower speed until the phenomenon of closing the vent valve is eliminated, and adjust the speed to the requirements according to the air volume required by the system to ensure 95% of the rated current of the motor;

○ 2 during the operation of the blower, the vibration and temperature change of the bearing shall be monitored at all times. In case of any abnormality, the cause shall be found out or shut down in time.

2. 2 Shutdown

a) Before normal shutdown, generally first open the vent valve and then press the stop button;
b) In case of emergency shutdown due to failure, it is recommended to disconnect the power supply of the control cabinet. After shutdown or instant power failure, the blower can be started again only after the motor stops completely.
Demikianlah terkait SOP blower centrifugal multystage, semoga dapat membantu dan meberi wawasan kita terkait dunia mechanic Oil and Gas


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