Hallo teman - teman ketemu lagi dengan tulisan - tulisan dhevils mechanic yang pasti tak jauh - jauh membahas dunia oil and gas dimana sering kita ulas terkait equipment yang sering digunakan di perusahaan - perauasahan oil and gas, ulasan terkait proses, ulasan terkait troubleshot serta ide - ide kreative dhevils mechanic dalam memecahkan suatu masalah dilapangan. Dan kali ini yuk kita bahas terkait alarm pada ESM engine waukesha.
Baca juga :
Perjalanan Sang Dhevils Mechanic (Bagian 2)
Troubleshot PTO engine Arrow C 106
PM Rutin Pedestal Crane Manitex di Offshore Platform
Cerita Engine waukesha pasti bagi teman -0 teman yang sdh berkecimpung di dunia oil and gas tidak asing lagi karena memang unit ini sdh banyak sekali digunakan di oil and gas industry di indonesia. entah sebagai prime over genset, entah sebagai primeover air compressor maupun sebagai prime iover gas compressor, karena memang unit waukesha ini cukup handal.
Berbicara control dari engine waukesha ini tidak jauh - jauh dengan ESM engine system management atau klo di unit lain sebutannya dengan ECU electronic control unit. dan di ESM ini data - data atau sesuatu yang pernah terjadi terkait unit dapat di download karena memang menyimpan perjalanan dari unit tersebut.
nah berikut ini adalah contoh code dan fault condisition yang dapat di download pada ESM dari engine wauksha ini :
ALM211 OIL PRESS Oil pressure sensor/wiring fault
ALM212 LB/BK Intake manifold pressure sensor/wiring fault
ALM213 OIL TEMP Oil temperature sensor/wiring fault
ALM214 IMAP RB/FT Right bank intake manifold pressure sensor/wiring fault
ALM215 BOOST PRESS Boost Pressure sensor/wiring fault
ALM221 IMAT Intake manifold air temperature sensor/wiring fault
ALM222 MAIN FUEL VALVE Leaking fuel valve/engine failed to stop in a timely fashion
ALM223 LOW OIL PRESS Low oil pressure
ALM225 KNOCK SENS Knock fault ## (where ## is the cylinder number) in the firing order is either open circuit or short circuit *
ALM231 IGN 1ST CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM232 IGN 2ND CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM233 IGN 3RD CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM234 IGN 4TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM235 IGN 5TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM241 IGN 6TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM242 IGN 7TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM243 IGN 8TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM244 IGN 9TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM245 IGN 10TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM251 IGN 11TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM252 IGN 12TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM253 IGN 13TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM254 IGN 14TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM255 IGN 15TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM311 IGN 16TH CYL Individual ignition fault *
ALM312 OVERLOAD Engine load above upper alarm limit
ALM313 IGN FLT Spark reference out of range
ALM315 HIGH INTAKE TEMP Intake manifold air temperature above upper alarm limit
ALM321 HEATER BLOCK O2 heater block temperature is out of acceptable range
ALM322 CALIBRATE ACT Manual calibration of actuators required
ALM323 STUCK THROT LINK Throttle linkage/binding
ALM324 STUCK WG LINK Wastegate linkage/binding
ALM325 STUCK BYP LINK Bypass actuator/linkage binding
ALM331 LBS BLOCK TEMP O2 heater block temperature sensor/wiring.
ALM332 IGN COM FAULT A communications problem exists between the IPM-D and the ECU
ALM333 HIGH COOLANT TEMP Engine coolant temperature above upper alarm limit
ALM334 WIDE OPEN THROTTLE The throttle has been at wide open too long
ALM335 HIGH OIL TEMP Engine oil temperature above upper alarm limit
ALM341 STEPPER Stepper home/not connected
ALM343 OXYGEN SENS Oxygen sensor/wiring fault
ALM352 FUEL RAIL PRESS Fuel rail pressure sensor/wiring fault
ALM353 HIGH IGN PWR Ignition energy level is at Level 2 (or highest level) – at least one spark plug on the engine is getting worn and should be replaced
ALM355 HT COOLANT PRESS High temperature coolant pressure sensor/wiring fault
ALM413 LEAN LIMIT Stepper has reached lean limit
ALM415 RICH LIMIT Stepper has reached rich limit
ALM422 COOLANT TEMP Coolant temperature sensor/wiring fault
ALM432 STEPPER COM FAULT Stepper communication fault
ALM433 OIL PREFILTER PRESS Oil prefilter pressure sensor/wiring fault
ALM435 CAN BUS ERROR Message transmission issue on the CANBUS
ALM441 THROTTLE ACTUATOR Throttle actuator/wiring fault
ALM443 WGATE ACTUATOR Wastegate actuator/wiring fault
ALM444 BAROMETRIC PRESS Barometric pressure sensor/wiring fault
ALM445 BYPASS ACTUATOR Bypass actuator/wiring fault
ALM451 REMOTE RPM Remote rpm analog input is outside of acceptable range; wiring fault
ALM454 BATT VOLT voltage out of specification
ALM455 HIGH ECU TEMP ECU’s temperature above maximum recommended operating temperature
ALM511 OIL FILTER PRESS DIF Differential pressure between the oil header and prefilter oil sensors above upper limit
ALM512 HIGH FUEL PRESSURE Fuel pressure above upper limit
ALM532 COOLANT PRESS LOW Coolant pressure below its lower alarm limit
ALM533 CALIBRATE O2 NVFB Initial calibration of the lean burn oxygen sensors has not been completed.
ALM535 FUEL COMPOSITION Sum of fuel constituents is not between 97% and 103%
ALM541 USER DIP User digital input changed state
ALM542 START ON WITH RPM>0 Start engine signal remained on after engine started. Must be off while the engine is running; otherwise engine will immediately restart upon shutdown
ALM544 AMBIENT TEMP Ambient temperature sensor/wiring fault
ALM552 ENG BEING DRIVEN Engine is being rotated by the driven equipment; sparks and fuel have been cut by the ECU
ALM555 INTERNAL FAULT Internal error identified by ECU; contact your local Waukesha Distributor for technical support.
ESD212 MAG PICKUP ECU detects fewer crankshaft pulses between camshaft pulses
than it was expecting
ESD214 CAM MAG PICKUP Too many crankshaft pulses are identified between cam magnetic pickup pulses (or no cam magnetic pickup pulses are detected)
ESD221 OVERSPEED ENGINE Engine overspeed; engine reached ESM upper limit
ESD222 CUST ESD Critical ESD – Shutdown has been triggered by an external action; by customer equipment
ESD223 LOW OIL PRESS Critical ESD – Oil pressure below lower shutdown limit
ESD224 KNOCK ### CYL Cylinder was at its maximum retard timing due to knock *
ESD231 OVERCRANK Time the engine has been cranking has exceeded a maximum crank time
ESD232 ENGINE STALL Engine stopped rotating independent of ECU which did not receive a signal to stop
ESD251 OVERSPEED DRIVE EQUIP Customer-set overspeed limit exceeded
ESD312 OVERLOAD Engine was overloaded
ESD313 LOCKOUT/IGNITION Critical ESD – Lockout or E-Stop (emergency stop) button on the engine is “ON” or there is a power problem with the IPM-D module (either it is not powered up or the internal fuse is blown)
ESD315 HIGH IMAT Intake manifold air temperature above upper shutdown limit
ESD333 HIGH COOLANT TEMP Engine coolant temperature above upper shutdown limit
ESD335 KNOCK ABS THRESHOLD A knock sensor output value exceeded an absolute threshold programmed to ECU
ESD424 HIGH OIL TEMP Oil temperature above upper shutdown limit
ESD532 PRESS LOW Critical ESD – Coolant pressure below lower limit
ESD551 UPDATE ERROR/FAULT Update error/fault
ESD553 SECURITY VIOLATION Engine type that is factory-coded in the ECU does not match with the downloaded calibration
ESD555 INTERNAL FAULT Serious internal error in ECU; call the factory; do not attempt to restart engine. Contact your local Waukesha Distributor for technical support
Demikianlah alarm code dan shutdown code yang sering muncul pada ESM engine waukesha, semoga dapat bermanfaat dan jika kalian mempunyai pertanyaan amaupun pengalaman terkait ESM engine waukesha silahkan share di kolom komentar yaa, supaya ilmu kalian dapat bermanfaat bagi teman - teman yang membutuhkannya.